Thursday 16 April 2015

Daily Life Then vs Now

Do you realize the changes in our daily life?

Picking Up A Friend :
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No more need to even approach the door. Which means the doorbell manufacturers will soon be out of business.

Spotify Replaces Napster :

external image 8bce3ad52058cccb3b218dcdf5db5076Instead of illegally listening to free music in the 90s via Napster, now you can listen to music for free on Spotify, and it's totally legal. Another difference between the 90s and now? Lars Ulrich has gone from being very angry to being completely indifferent.

Teen Pregnancy Not Scary :

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These days, if you're a teen who gets pregnant, you don't have to be scared when you find out. Instead, you get to be on TV and you can hold off on being scared until MTV decides your life just isn't that interesting anymore.

Cell Phone Damage :

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However, the floor was less likely to break if you kept the floor in a plastic carrying case.

Asking Someone Out:

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Now, instead of asking someone out in person, you can just text them. Which is perfect, because when you finally do go out, you'll probably spend those two hours just texting other people.

Pants Getting Lower :

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Yes, since the 90s, the pants keep getting lower and lower. Either because people think it looks cool, or because there is suddenly a global belt shortage.

New Cat Toys :

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First it was yarn. Then laser pointers showed that cats were ready to become more technologically advanced. Now they'll mess with your computer or play games on an iPad. But just like the 90s, today's cats are still indifferent towards human affection.

M&Ms :

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Much like 90s grunge music, 90s M&Ms were darker and edgier.

Friends :

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90s Friends - "I'll Be There For You"Today Friends - "I'll Like Your Photo, But Don't Expect Much More Than That"

Watching TV :

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What you can't see in the photo on the right is that the person is also texting on their iPhone while playing Candy Crush on their tablet.

Floppy Vs USB :

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The item on the left is a 3 1/2-inch floppy disk. Now there's USB drives, which only become floppy if you throw it in a fire.

Portable Music Devices :

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In the 80's, Lloyd Dobbler lifted a giant boombox over his head in "Say Anything." In the 90's, boomboxes got slightly smaller. Now, iPhones have replaced boomboxes. Sure, they're more portable, but it's also harder to play "In Your Eye" loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.
Created by Bonney

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