Monday 13 April 2015

Technology in Education Then vs Now

Technology is changing the way we live and it is also transforming the way we learn. In the past, technological innovations have made their way into the classroom and forever altered the course of education. Here are some example that technological product have replace the old materials.

Source: Google Image
Source: Google Image

Students use to bring a dozens of books for classes which means that students need to carry heavy backpack to school. By doing this, it can have an impact on kids health this can lead to an incorrectly placed on the shoulders, the weight's force can pull a child backward. Nowadays, many school provide e-book, tablet to use so that students can have access to hundreds of books at school.

Contact to parent:
Source : Google Image
Source : Google Image
Parent-teacher conferences used to be once in a year. Parent usually went to the school hall and talk to teacher and have a conversation about their children. Nowadays, parent can contact teacher though email.

Source: Google Image
Source: Google Image
The traditional way to teach students are using chalkboard, every time when cleaning the board the chalk will get into the clothes and some students may inhale the chalk power which can have serious impact on the children health. Few years ago, when smart board are first release school are start to get rid of the old chalkboard and replace with this smart board. By using smart board, teacher can interact with student when having lesson. It can create a good environment for students to learn and pay more attention in class.

Source: Google Image
Source: Google Image
Lesson Material:
Source: Google Image
Source: Google Image
In the past, teachers would write down the homework question on the chalkboard in order to let the students to copy down in their hand books and to complete as a homework. Todays, teachers can upload the homework question into online portal for students to access.

Finding Research:
Source: Google Image
Source: Google Image
Due to technology are getting more important in our life, student are using the internet to search for information to do their homework. A simple search query in Google reveals facts and state about millions of topic.  

Hand-in Homework:

Source: Google Image
Source : BuzzFeed
In the past, homework are need to be hand written and turn it to the teacher, however, students todays are ask to hand in their own in a type format so that their word counting can be accurate.

Written by Tiffany Ho

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